Jason Kendall

Jason Kendall


Website: http://www.kendallprojects.com

Blog URL: https://www.kendallprojects.com/blog

   5 Highgate Circle, Columbia, SC, 29223

Kendallprojects was founded in late 1999 in response to the status of a project that I was working on during the first semester of my senior year at Ringling. The Arthor Suger projects needed to develop into a broader, more inclusive way of presenting my ideas. When each work became it’s own production under the heading, work by, “artist” Jason Kendall, with help from others, it made sense to put each endeavor under the heading “kendallprojects”. Since it’s official inception in 2000 with the launching of a rudimentary website that laid out the brief history of the projects, it has expanded to include a wider variety of both work and persons involved. Do to the nature of the medium of performance documentation, it was important for me to have people assist with the projects that I trusted, were proficient in their area of expertise, understood and shared the same vision for the work as I did.