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• Present corn meal, ethnic breads, corn artifacts, corn history, and corn publications to diverse populations. • Network with farmers throughout the United States and abroad to collect samples of corn meal, corn products, wheat, flour, cereal and grains. • Recruit volunteers to prepare and bake various types of healthy, nutritious and safe Cornbread and ethic breads for consumption. • Responsible for meeting annual yields of Cornbread and ethnic breads. • Educate communities on the origin of the history corn, wheat and bread. • Designed and copy righted the official logo for Annual Cornbread Jubilee and Celebration Of Breads Sonya R. Hodges is the Founder Of The Cornbread Jubilee & Celebration OF Breads. The pilot program began while, Sonya was restoring the Old Childs Cemetery and Childs Farm. (Founded, February 26, 2011).

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